

全国统一学习专线 8:30-21:00




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更新时间:2019-01-11 13:03
当你听英语电视节目或电影时,试着模仿你听到的声音。他们说一句话,你跟他们说一句话。一遍又一遍地听同样的材料,重复它直到听起来像录音。你甚至可以记录下你说了什么,然后进行比较。 电影有:《华尔街》、《华尔街*集》和《华尔街第二集》、《流氓交易员》、《女人想要什么》等 “可口可乐小子”、“办公空间”和其他“绝望主妇”或多或少与商业和外贸有关。如果你只是练习英语口语,一些美剧如《老友记》和《绝望主妇》也是很好的学习材料。 反复看同样的英语材料,直到你不需要字幕。 模仿学习也是一种技巧。外国电影、电视剧和电视节目是学习英语口语的好材料。英文和中文字幕更好。如果英语基础不是很好,不要为难自己,打开中英文字幕,先明白意思再说。理解意思,然后只关注英语字幕,这样就不会有对困难情绪的恐惧。如果你不需要看中文字幕来理解这些句子的意思,我建议你不要先看中文字幕。毕竟,你在努力提高你的英语口语。如果你能跟上速度,你可以等外国人说完这个句子,然后跟另一个句子比较发音。你也可以用钢笔把外国人快速说的句子写在纸上。 学习相:由于没有语言环境,我们在学习英语的过程中很少锻炼听说能力。因此,建议从事外贸工作的学生在空闲时间少看国内的节目、电影和电视剧。他们可以把时间花在英美新闻、电视剧、电影和综艺节目上。既然我们想学英语,我们应该尽力把我们的生活习惯与英语联系起来。 When you listen to English TV programs or movies, try to imitate the sounds you hear. They say one sentence, and you say one sentence after them. Listen to the same material over and over again and repeat it until it sounds like a recording. You can even record what you say and compare it. Films such as: Wall Street, the first and second installment of Wall Street, Rogue Trader, What Women Want The Coca-Cola Kid, Office space and other Desperate Housewives are more or less related to business and foreign trade. If you just practice oral English, some American TV series such as Friends and Desperate Housewives are also excellent learning materials. Watch the same English material over and over again until you don't need subtitles. Imitation learning is also skillful. Foreign movies, TV series and TV programs are good materials for learning spoken English. Subtitles in English and Chinese are better. If the English foundation is not very good, don't embarrass yourself, open Chinese and English subtitles, first understand the meaning before. Understand the meaning, and then focus only on English subtitles so that there will be no fear of difficult emotions. If you don't need to read Chinese subtitles to understand what those sentences mean, I suggest you don't read Chinese subtitles first. After all, you are trying to improve your spoken English. If you can keep up with the speed, you can wait for the foreigner to finish the sentence and then follow it with another sentence to compare the pronunciation. You can also use a pen to write down the sentences the foreigner says quickly on the paper. Tips: because there is no language environment, we seldom exercise our listening and speaking ability in the process of learning English. Therefore, it is suggested that students who are engaged in foreign trade work can watch fewer domestic programs, movies and TV series when they are free. They can spend their time on British and American news, TV series, movies and variety shows. Since we want to learn English, we should try our best to associate our life habits with English.